Abram Rescues Lot!
(This Bible story lesson
was lovingly prepared for you
by a team of three Internet volunteers.)
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Right hand … left hand … schr-r-runch ….
Right hand … left hand … schr-r-runch ….
“This is harder than I ever thought it would be,” Shawn thought as he inched himself closer to the next branch.
Right hand … left hand … schr-r-runch ….
Right hand … left hand … schr-r-runch ….
“WHEW! I FINALLY made it! I'm higher than I've ever been before. Now I can see everything in the whole wide world! This is so-o-o-o much fun!”
Shawn had a grand time sitting on one of the highest branches in the big oak tree in his uncle's backyard. As he watched the traffic on the highway nearby, he was surprised at how small the vehicles looked. Why, they almost looked like the little cars and trucks in his toy box!
He also had a great time looking over the fence into the neighbor's yard. He felt like he was on a special secret mission because he could see them but he knew they couldn't see him through the tree branches.
“Shawn! Sh-aw-n! It's time to come in for dinner!” Aunt Connie was calling out the back door.
Shawn looked at the branches around him. He tried to reach for the closest one. “If I can just grab that branch, I will be able to get down the same way I got up,” he thought. He tried and tried, but the branch was just TOO far away. “How did I ever manage to get up here?” he wondered. “And HOW am I going to get back down?”
At that very moment, his aunt poked her head out the back door and called again. “SH-AWWW-N, are you out there? Please come in for dinner!”
With a whimper, Shawn called out, “I c-can't … I'm s-s-stuck … I'm up here in the tree and I can't get down.”
After Aunt Connie got over the initial shock of seeing Shawn so high up in the big tree, she called for Uncle Ned to come outside and see the predicament Shawn had gotten himself into.
Uncle Ned went to the shed to get the tall ladder. He propped it safely against the tree and climbed step by step all the way up to rescue Shawn. Just knowing that his uncle was there to help was a big relief. Uncle Ned told Shawn exactly where to place his feet so he could reach the closest branch safely. He told Shawn which branch to grab next. Branch by branch and step by step, he was able to make his way to the ladder where Uncle Ned was anxiously waiting. When they were both safely on the ground, Shawn gave his Uncle Ned a big hug and promised NEVER EVER to climb that high again!
The battle began! The men of Sodom had no idea that the pits where they made the mortar that held their bricks together would become their own death traps. As the invading armies chased them, the king of Sodom and many of his men fell into their own slime pits. The ones who were left fled to the mountain, trying to escape from the enemy.
Chedorlaomer (ked-or-lay-oh' mer) and his armies pushed on, capturing the men of Sodom and stealing everything they owned, including their wives and their children.
One soldier who fled to the mountains was able to escape and carry the bad news to Abram. Weary from the battle and out of breath from the journey, the soldier finally reached Abram's tent. Abram sat him down and gave him a cool drink of water.
“I am so sorry to tell you, but the enemy has taken your nephew Lot prisoner,” the soldier blurted out between breaths. “They also took his wife and his children captive and have stolen everything he owned.”
Saddened to hear the awful news, Abram wasted no time calling his household together for a meeting.
“WHERE are they TAKING us, Mommy?” Lot's daughter tearfully asked her mother, as they traveled between two soldiers down a dusty road. It was already growing dark.
Her mother didn't know what to say. “If only we had not moved so far away from Uncle Abram,” she thought to herself, “maybe he could help us now.” She tenderly brushed away her daughter's tears.
Meanwhile, back in the plains of Mamre, Abram immediately began to organize the 318 trained servants who had been born in his own house. He made sure that each one was provided with armor and a weapon. “Quickly!” Abram ordered his servants. “We must be on our way and reach the enemy's camp by night fall.”
As they neared the enemy's camp, Abram knew exactly what he needed to do. “As soon as it is dark,” he began, “I want us to split up into smaller groups and surround the camp. Then we will attack the enemy at different points, at the same time, when the time is right,” Abram told his trained men.
“NOW!” Abram yelled out. Then in they rushed. Abram's men killed those in the camp and continued on until all that had been taken from Sodom was recovered; the people as well as their goods. He also rescued Lot, his wife, his children, and all that the enemy had taken from him.
Lot wrapped his arms around his uncle's neck. “Uncle Abram, I'm SO glad to see you!” Lot tearfully shouted with a great big smile on his face. “Thank you for coming to rescue me and my family, and all the women and children, and men, and…. Oh, yes! Thank you for getting all our belongings and our food back,” he said with deep gratefulness.
When Abram returned from the battle, the new king of Sodom went out to meet him. Melchizedek, king of Jerusalem and priest of the most high God, also went out to meet Abram and brought something for Abram and his men to eat and drink.
Then Melchizedek blessed Abram and Abram gave him a tenth of all the goods he had taken. Afterwards, the new king of Sodom told Abram, “Just give me back my people who were captured, and you keep the rest of the stuff for yourself.”
Abram's answer must have surprised the king when he refused to keep anything for himself. He never wanted anyone to say that Sodom had made him rich.
Although Abram did not accept anything for himself, he did, however, want the men who had gone to battle with him to have their share of the goods.
1. What was the name of the king who captured Lot?
2. How did Abram find out about the battle?
3. Who was Melchizedek?
4. How much of the reward did Abram keep?
With God on our side, we have nothing to fear.
“And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand” (Genesis 14:20).
“…If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b).
“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:15).
Have you ever found yourself in trouble? How did you get out of it? Did someone come to help you? Did you remember to thank those who helped you? Did you thank God?
[After discussion:] When you're in trouble, don't hesitate to ask God for help. God can use a friend to help you as well, so don't be too shy to ask a friend for help or to ask them to go, find help. Also, remember to help a friend if you can and, if you can't, try to find someone who can.
Dear God, thank You for caring for us and being
with us at all times. Help me to remember that
whenever I am in trouble, You will
be there to help.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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