Notes to Parents and Teachers
About the Fruit of the Spirit Series
Text Version
by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards
Notes for: The Fruit of the Spirit
This will be a series consisting of an introductory lesson, plus one lesson for each of the nine characteristics listed in Galatian 5:22-23, King James Version of the Bible.
I did not include official definitions within the stories. I will include them here. You can choose if you wish to emphasize the definitions.
Love — affection; show kindness; strong liking; showing mercy, grace, charity
Joy — happiness; delight
Peace — freedom from war; tranquility, calm, quiet; mental calm, serenity; peace treaty, agreement; law and order; absence of violence; calm, silent; freedom from conflict
Longsuffering — Patience; patiently enduring
Gentleness — kind, mild, tender
Goodness — being good; virtue of kindness
Faith — belief or trust; loyalty; without demanding proof; unwavering belief; consistently loyal; trustworthy; accurate, true; responsibility toward duty; reliable
Meekness — Quiet natured; submissive; mild; humble
Temperance — Self-control; self-restraint
This listing is a little different in other versions of the Bible. You will need to keep this in mind when choosing from the list of resources, which includes things I have found from various sources and are not all King James Version.
As you are naming each fruit of the Spirit toward the end of this story or after the story (or during memory verse time), you could ask the children what they think each one means. This will give you a better idea of their understanding and may be helpful to you in preparing future lessons in the series.
Jesus is our greatest example, and our greatest goal is to be like Him. Most of the stories in this series will be taken from the life of Jesus, including either his personal demonstration of the fruit or his teaching, relating to the fruit.
Answers to THINK questions for: Fruit of the Spirit
Q. Why was Paul in prison?
A. Because he was preaching that Jesus was the Son of God.
Q. How did Paul spend his time in prison?
A. Preaching to other prisoners, praying, singing, writing letters.
Q. Where were Paul's friends?
A. The friends mentioned in this story were in Galatia, although he had friends all over Europe and Asia.
Q. What does it mean to be a Christian?
A. To be like Jesus
Q. What is the fruit of the Spirit?
A. Characteristics or qualities we should have if we are Christians
Q. In what book can the fruit of the Spirit be found?
A. Galatians
Two Bible Memory Verses will be included with each story, except The Fruit of the Spirit introductory lesson. You can choose whether to have the children learn a different verse every week, or to use Galatians 5:22-23 throughout the entire series. Also, by including a separate memory verse, each story can be used alone, apart from the series, if you choose to do so.
Notes For: Peace - Jesus Calms The Storm
Remind the children that Jesus is our greatest example and that we are learning the fruit of the Spirit in order to become more like Jesus.
Answers to THINK questions for: Peace - Jesus Calms the Storm
Q. How does this story show that Jesus was human like us?
A. He became tired. He needed to sleep.
Q. How does this story show that Jesus was God?
A. He had power over nature and demonstrated it by speaking to the wind and the sea, and they obeyed.
Q. What were the disciples doing during the storm?
A. Worrying, panicking, being fearful
Q. What was Jesus doing during the storm?
A. Sleeping peacefully
Q. What did Jesus do to stop the storm?
A. He said, “Peace, be still.”
Q. Which fruit of the Spirit did you learn about in today's story?
A. Peace
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Last updated September 19, 2022
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