Story Ideas
Text Version
by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards
Acquire a large fruit basket or bowl and nine (or more) pieces of plastic fruit, making sure to have enough for each child. With a permanent ink marker, write the name of one fruit of the Spirit on each piece of plastic fruit.
At the beginning of the class, give each child a piece of fruit. (For very young children, you can tell them what their fruit says.) Tell the children to listen for their fruit to be mentioned in the story. When they hear the name of their fruit, they can come to the front and place their fruit into the fruit basket or bowl. If there are less than nine children, some children could have more than one fruit, or the teacher could put the extra fruit in the basket.
At the end of class, if you wish, you could let each child take a piece of plastic fruit out of the basket to take home.
Another option would be to keep all the fruit in the basket until the end of the series. Then let the children choose one to take home.
The plastic fruit could also be used as a memory verse aid. Have the children stand side by side, each one holding a piece of fruit. Each child would take a step forward when the word on his/her fruit was spoken. As the children become more familar with the verse, you could remove one or two pieces of fruit, having the children now without fruit recite the verse. Repeat until no one has fruit and everyone has had a chance to recite.
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Last updated September 19, 2022
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