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Seeing the stacks of neatly cut, small squares of fabric on the table made Carlos curious. “Aunt Maria, what are you going to DO with all those little pieces? They don't look like they are big enough to use for anything.”
Aunt Maria chuckled at her nephew's comment. “I am going to sew them together to make a quilt. Then I am going to take the quilt to the mission to give to someone who needs it,” she replied.
“That sure is a LOT of work! Why would you want to do all that work just to give it away?”
With a smile, Aunt Maria looked down at Carlos and said, “I enjoy making quilts, but I have all the quilts I need. The Bible says that we should do good things for other people. Besides that, it makes me glad to see the happiness it brings when I give a quilt to someone in need.”
“Pe-ter! … Pe-ter! … Please come quickly! We need you to come to Joppa right away. Please HURRY!”
Peter spun around to see what all the commotion was about. “Calm down, young man. What is it? What can I do for you? What has happened to make you hurry so?”
“Oh, Peter! It is just so AWFUL! You remember Dorcas, don't you? Everybody loved her. Some people called her Dorcas and some people called her Tabitha, but everybody loved her. She was so kind to everyone she met. She did good things for people. Remember how she liked to sew? She even made this shirt just for me!”
“Yes, yes. I remember Dorcas, but tell me, what is so awful? Why have you come?”
“Peter, they sent me to come get you. Dorcas was sick. Then she got even sicker, and nobody knew what to do. The doctors couldn't help her. Finally, she died. They are preparing for the funeral. The people told me to come get you because they thought you would know what to do.”
This was very, very sad news for Peter to hear. He knew what a kind woman Dorcas was and he knew that all the Christians, both the Jews and the Greeks, loved her dearly. That is why she had two names.
As he went with the young man to the city of Joppa, they had quite a conversation about all the new clothes Dorcas had made and her other kind deeds. They were both very sad that their friend had died.
The people were waiting anxiously for the arrival of Peter. Some met him on the road and walked to the house with him. Peter went upstairs where the funeral arrangements were being made. The room was filled with sad, weeping people. Peter could BARELY get inside.
“See this lovely dress she made for me!” a young lady cried out.
“She made nice shirts for all four of my sons,” another one said.
“I would have been so cold during the winter if she had not made me a warm coat.”
On and on the people talked, showing Peter the things she had made.
Peter knew EXACTLY what he needed to do.
He gently asked all the people to leave the room.
Then he kneeled down beside the very still body of Dorcas…
…and he began to pray.
“Dear Father in heaven, I know that You can do all things. You know how Dorcas was so well loved by all the people because of the good things she did. Will You please bring her back to life? In Jesus' Name. Amen.”
With that, Peter spoke softly to Dorcas, saying, “Tabitha, arise!”
INSTANTLY she opened her eyes! She saw Peter! She sat up!
Peter held out his hand and helped her stand. He called the people to come back into the room. They were all AMAZED and happy to find Dorcas alive.
God had answered Peter's prayer!
What a wonderful MIRACLE!
The people crowded around to see her and to hug her. They were all so happy. They ran out of the room, out of the house, and into the street to tell EVERYONE they met the good news that Dorcas was alive. Because of this great miracle, many people that didn't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ became Christians that day.
1. Why did Dorcas have two names?
2. How did Dorcas help others?
3. Did the messengers give Peter good news or bad news?
4. How did Peter respond?
Others are watching you. You are the only Bible some may ever read. The way you live can lead other people to Jesus.
“Let us do good unto all…” (Galatians 6:10a).
Dorcas loved to sew and she loved to make clothes for other people. Is there something you love to do? Maybe you like to draw or sing, or play a musical instrument, or read books, or play sports, or make or bake things? How can you use the talents God has given you to help or encourage, and show Jesus' love to others?
[After discussion:] It's God Who gives you the desire and the ability to help others and show them how much Jesus loves them. When the messengers went to Paul, he immediately went to pray for Dorcas. You can also help others by praying for them and telling them about Jesus.
Dear God, I am so thankful that You love and
care for me. Thank You for all the people
that are good to me. Please help me to remember
to be kind and show me what good deeds I can do
for others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Acts 9:36-42
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