Frequently Asked Questions
"The Bible story pictures are so small. How can I use them?"
Answer: You can right-click on the picture on the web page and save it to your hard drive. Then open it in a software program that handles graphics. Select the picture and then resize it, making it as large as you'd like for coloring. Better yet, print the page from the web and then enlarge it on a copy machine.
"Where can I find more Bible stories on the Internet?"
Answer: Follow these links to more Bible stories right here on the Internet!
Bible Stories for Kids
Children's Bible Stories On-line!
Christian Stories for Children
God's Story from Creation to Eternity
Heroes of Faith Comic Series
Bible Stories to purchase
Bible Story DVDs
Neat Ideas Submitted by Readers
"Love these stories and occasionally "re-write" them for our Senior Sunday School class of over 100. They love them too! I'll be using A Twinkle In The Dark" sometime in January. Thanks for sending them. Keep up the good is indeed a blessing!
"I not only use your lessons for our Senior SS Class....but also for a Care Home Program we do on the first Sunday of every month. Only I use those exactly like you write them. It is much easier for the residents to understand them that way. I also like to read most of it myself, but use one of the men to read any lines that are said by one of the characters. Like I used a deep voiced man to read Joseph's lines in the Joseph story. It really adds to the presentation. I have them try to speak as he would have spoken." —Joyce in Kansas
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"I want to share with you how much these stories benefit my local church. In fact one of our Royal Rangers instructors reads the story to his class each Wednesday night as their bible lesson. Thanks for sharing and caring that the world of God is spread." —Linda in North Carolina
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One person recently wrote, asking permission to redistribute a Bible story lesson with 250 food baskets. What a neat idea!
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"I had children's church for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't sure what to do. I found this web site and it saved me!! I printed out your stories about noah and read them to the class, then as the craft we made animal masks. I drew the animal faces on posterboard and cut them out. The kids colored them, and then we glued Popsicle sticks to the bottom for a handle."
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"I copied some of the stories to share with my little girl and her friend. I thought of a way she can interact with the stories. I am going to put them into plastic sleeves and place them in a binder. I am going to have her make 4 drawings and then she can take them to class and share them for show and tell."
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I want to thank you for your site and let you know how our church is using the 54 children's Bible stories. We use them for children's church, and each week we supply a BIG brown manila envelop with the story, all the materials for a simple craft that is related to the story with a completed sample, a coloring page or connect-the-dots, etc. for the kids to use if time permits, and a finger-play or song that fits the section. We often practice the same 3 or 4 finger plays for several weeks in a row. Then the children perform them in adult church as the special music. The kids are so proud, and the adults are thrilled.
The very nice thing about this method is, it allows us to rotate teachers. (We have teams of two that work together to teach.) Every 10 weeks it's a team's time to teach for two Sundays. The fully-prepared lesson packages takes the "fear" out of teaching, plus is great if a teacher can't make it to church. Anyone can pick up the packet and teach a great lesson without one minute's advanced preparation.
The teachers love the lessons, and we are pleased that it takes the kids through the whole Bible in a really well done fashion.
The lady who does the crafts for the packets has great ideas. An example was Noah's Ark. She took a paper plate, folded in half so it would stand up on the rounded edge and rock when you touched it. She then had the children use a brown crayon to draw the door and windows. (Not that the ark really had windows.) Then the children placed small animal stickers in pairs in the windows to give the effect that the animals were looking out. It made a very cute and easy craft. The kids really enjoy their weekly craft.
Our children's church lasts about 40 to 45 minutes. We start with the story. Then have a snack. Then we do the craft and then practice the finger play(s) or song(s) and follow that up with the coloring page or outdoor play time, as time permits.
We are currently on lesson 33 and the program is proving to be very successful. We have a small church and usually have about 10 to 18 kids in children's church with 15 being about the usual. As needed, we invite one or two of the teens to help the teachers, and the teens (both the boys and the girls) are so tickled to get their chance to help. They seem to enjoy it as much as the little kids, which is great, because we are raising up future teachers.
Also sometimes we do the story while the kids are having their snack. They don't talk much when their mouths are full and seem to pay more attention when they are involved with munching.
Thanks very much again. Please pass this letter on to all those involved in "The Children's Chapel." I want every one to know that their work is truly appreciated!!
Sam, MO
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Times Square Church Pulpit Series Multilingual Web Site
Last updated January 4, 2014.
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