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The Story of Ruth Quiz
1)What is the name of Ruth's mother-in-law?
a) Orpah
b) Naomi
c) Mary
d) Sarah


3) From what country were they leaving?
a) New York City
b) Bethlehem
c) Moab
d) Egypt


5) What was the name of Ruth's sister-in-law?
a) Ruth
b) Naomi
c) Orpah
d) Rachel


7) What did Ruth gather from the fields?
a) grapes
b) sticks
c) grain
d) berries


9) Ruth gathered from the field of:
a) Samuel
b) David
c) Boaz
d) Benjamin
2) Ruth and Naomi moved to what city?
a) Midian
b) Moab
c) Bethlehem
d) Ai


4) They had to move because there was a:
a) war
b) flood
c) famine
d) fire


6) To whom did Boaz show kindness?
a) Martha
b) Sarah
c) Ruth
d) Rebekah


8) Where in the Bible can you find the story of Ruth
a) Genesis
b) Matthew
c) Ruth
d) Daniel


10) To whom are we to be kind?
a) no one
b) some people
c) just our friends

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