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The Butler, the Baker,
and Two Dreams

by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards

Gods favor and blessing was on Joseph and before long he was in charge of everything in the prison

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DREAMS . . .

Everyone has dreams. Some dreams are good, some are scary, and some are funny or even adventurous. Most dreams don't really mean anything. They may be caused from watching a scary show or eating too much of the wrong kind of food. But did you know that some dreams have very special meanings?

God sometimes gives people dreams for encouragement, guidance, and even warning. Many people in the Bible had these special dreams and were able to tell what they meant, but not very many people were able to interpret another person's dreams. That was a very special ability given by God to only a few chosen people. One of those people was Joseph.

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While trying to obey God and do what was right Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into
prison Poor Joseph! First he was hated by his brothers because of his coat and his dream, then sold as a slave and forced to live far away from home in the land of Egypt. Then while trying to obey God and do what was right, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. It seemed that things kept going from bad to worse. Certainly, if anyone had cause to complain and be angry, it would be Joseph!

The prison official took notice of
Joseph and liked him very much But Joseph did not complain and did not become angry or bitter. Joseph chose to love God even in the worst of situations. While he was in prison, he continued to be a righteous young man and God blessed him. The prison official took notice of Joseph and liked him very much. Eventually, he put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners. As long as Joseph was in charge, God caused even the prison official to prosper.

Meanwhile at the palace, Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, became upset with two of his servants and had them thrown in jail. The king's butler and baker ended up in the same prison with Joseph. One morning as Joseph was attending to his duties, he noticed that the butler and the baker were unusually sad. “Why are you so sad?” Joseph asked them.

“We both had dreams the same night, and we don't know what they mean. There is no one to help us understand these dreams,” they explained.

Joseph said, “Don't be sad. Don't you know that God gives dreams and He can help us determine the meaning? Please tell me your dreams.”

Joseph noticed that the butler and the baker were unusually sadThere was a vine, and in the
vine were three branchesThe butler was very happy to hear such good news and especially
glad at the idea of getting out of prison

The butler was the first to tell his dream. “There was a vine, and in the vine were three branches. The branches budded into clusters of ripe grapes. King Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes and squeezed the juice into Pharaoh's cup. Then I gave the cup to Pharaoh.”

Joseph knew exactly what the dream meant, and he explained it to the Butler. “The three branches are three days. In three days, you will be released from prison and you will get your job back. You will be serving Pharaoh at his table once again.”

As you might imagine, the butler was very happy to hear such good news and especially glad at the idea of getting out of prison! Joseph had one request to make of the butler: “When you are released and you stand before the king, please remember me and mention me to Pharaoh. I did nothing wrong and don't deserve to be here.”

I dreamed that I had three baskets stacked on the
top of my head When the baker heard that the interpretation of the butler's dream was good, he decided to tell Joseph his dream. “I dreamed that I had three baskets stacked on the top of my head. The one on top was filled with all sorts of bread and baked goods. Birds flew overhead and ate all the food out of the basket.”

Joseph also knew the meaning of this dream, and although it wasn't good, he told the baker the truth. “The three baskets are three days. In three days, you will be released from prison, but you will not go back to your job. King Pharaoh will have you killed.”

The butler was given his job back and was allowed to serve at the
feast that very day Three days later, King Pharaoh had a big feast prepared because it was his birthday. He remembered his butler and his baker and called for them to be released from prison. The butler and baker nervously cleaned themselves up and made themselves presentable to stand before the king.

The butler was given his job back and was allowed to serve at the feast that very day. The baker was ordered out of the king's presence and was killed.

It all happened just as Joseph had said it would. The butler was so happy and so busy with his job that he forgot about Joseph and the promise he had made to mention him to the king. Unfortunately, Joseph had to spend another two years in jail, but he continued to love God even in prison, and the Lord continued to bless him!

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1. Do all dreams have special meaning?
2. What did Joseph do to deserve being put in jail?
3. What does “interpret” mean?
4. What did the butler's dream mean?
5. What did the baker's dream mean?
6. Was Joseph's interpretation of the dreams right or wrong?
7. How did Joseph know what the dreams meant?


Joseph continued to love God, even in prison, and God continued to bless him.


“The Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy” (Genesis 39:21a).


Have you heard of COVID-19? What is it and what
happens to people who get it? Did you have to stay
at home for a period of time? What was that period
called? Did the lockdown sometimes feel like being
in prison like Joseph? How did you keep yourself
busy? Did you help with chores around the house
like Joseph helped the warden? Were you able to do
something for the Lord and help someone else, pray
for them or tell them about Jesus? Can you think
of other good things that happened during

[After discussion:] The Lord wants us to trust Him
in all circumstances so we can become powerful
witnesses for Him in both good times and bad
times. Let us take a moment in prayer to ask Him
to help us be faithful to Him in all situations,
to trust Him and to honor Him by helping others
where we can and by telling them about Jesus and
his love for us.


Dog and boy praying

Dear God, thank You for being with us in every
situation. Help us to remember that You always
love us. Help us to always love You.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Genesis 40:1-23

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God Gave Joseph Favor (online)
Butler and Baker (online)
Butler, Baker, and Two Dreams (online)
Joseph Interpreted Dreams (online)

Action Bible Coloring Book
Coloring Through the Bible (online)
Beginner's Bible Super-Duper Mighty Jumbo Coloring Book
Bible Stories Kids Love Coloring Book (ages 2 to 4)
Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages for Elementary Kids
God Cares for Me Coloring Book by Shirley Dobson

God Loves You Coloring Book:
A Read-aloud Coloring Book About God's Plan for Salvation

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, Coloring Book
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Adventure Bible: Joseph The Dreamer (I Can Read)
Beginner's Bible: Joseph & His Brothers (I Can Read)
Good News, Bad News (online)
Joseph (read online)
Joseph—God's Superhero (Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies for Kids)
Joseph, Jacob's Favorite Son (Arch Books)
Joseph the Dreamer (read online)
Kingstone Comics: Joseph
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CDs and Videos

Bugtime Adventures: Blessing in Disguise - The Joseph Story (watch online)
Greatest Heroes of the Bible: Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors (online)
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler DVD
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler (watch online)
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler (watch online)
Sight & Sound Theatres: Joseph
The Beginner's Bible, Volume 4 (watch online)
The Story of Jacob and Joseph
VeggieTales: Joseph and his Coat of Veggie Colors (watch online)

All the Shows, Volume 1: 1993-1999
Do You Wonder Why? (online)
God's Story from Creation to Eternity (online)
Read and Share Toddler Bible with DVD
The Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum Kit
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Butler and Baker Word Search (online)
Crossword Puzzle (online)
Fill In The Blanks (online)
Jigsaw Puzzle (online)
Joseph in Prison Activities (online)
Butler's Dream Cutout Sheet (online)
God Was With Joseph In Egypt Word Tiles Activity (online)
Matching Game (online)
Maze (online)
Spot the Differences (online)
Word Tiles Activity (online)

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Encyclopedia Of Bible Games For Children's Ministry
Jumbo Bible Activity Book 4
Memory Verse Games for Kids
Sticker Books
The Super Sized Book of Bible Puzzles Sticker Books


The Butler, the Baker, and Two Dreams Story Cube Craft Activity (online)
Butler Baker Dreams Craft (online)
DIY Mason Jar Craft (online)
Dreams of the Baker and Cupbearer Craft (online)
Joseph Activities and Games (online)
Joseph in Jail (online)

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Easy-to-Make Bible Crafts PDF for Kids
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Puppet Crafts For Kids (online)

The Big Picture Bible Crafts:
101 Simple and Amazing Crafts to Help Teach Children the Bible

  1. Tie-dye a T-shirt. This way each child can personally design their own shirt, and each time they wear it, they will be reminded that God is with them always, they are special to him, and that His love “covers” them through all situations and circumstances. (I work with a lot of children from dysfunctional families who go through horror stories on a regular basis. They need to know God is with them at all times.) Basically, all you need to do is have several different bowls of clothing dye, a T-shirt for each child, and rubber bands. Tightly wrap rubber bands intermittently around different parts of the white T-shirt. Dip only portions of the shirt into different colors. Let dry, remove bands, and praise the Lord you have a “shirt” of many colors.
  2. Should it be a smaller church or a lot of children, to defray the expense, you could purchase white handkerchiefs at a dollar store and do the same thing. This would give each child something to place under his pillow or carry with him as a reminder.
  3. With your picture of Joseph to color, you could have prepared strips of tissue paper to be glued on the picture or you could use construction paper as well. I have found tissue paper is sometimes easier to use, because it is not as stiff and “turns corners” better.

- Submitted by Karin Adams

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Last updated April 14, 2024
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