The Children\'s Chapel award-winning site featuring Bible stories from a variety of authors excellent Christian resources for children and over 140 links to other Christian and family-friendly sites for kids

Joseph Resists Temptation
by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards

Joseph refuses to give in to temptation but ends up in prison

Text Version | Afrikaans | Italian

(Continued from Part 1)

“WOWEE! THAT'S A HOME RUN!” Justin yelled as he watched the softball sail into the air, over the backyard fence and into the woods.

Tyler dropped the bat and started running. He easily made it to first base and then second. Picking up speed, he whirled around third base and slid onto home plate. “I'm safe! I'm safe!” he yelled at the top of his voice. His friends gathered around and gave him friendly slaps on the back as they agreed.

backyard ball After taking a moment to celebrate the big home run, one of them realized they had a problem on their hands. “How are we going to finish the game?”

“And how are we going to get the ball back?” they questioned one another.

“There is only one way,” Justin impatiently explained as he looked Tyler in the eye. “YOU are going to have to climb over the fence and go into the woods to find it.”

Tyler was beginning to worry. He knew he wasn't allowed to climb the fence, and he was sure that Justin knew that too, but he was afraid that Justin wouldn't be his friend if he refused. Tyler just stood there for a moment, trying to decide what to do.

“What's the matter, Tyler?” Justin sneered. “Are you a fraidy-cat? Or maybe you're just a baby and too little to be playing with us older kids!”

“NO! I'm NOT afraid, and I'm NOT too little!” Tyler angrily replied.

“Then climb over the fence and prove it!” Justin retorted.

“You know we are not allowed to go over the fence and into the woods. I WON'T do it! I don't want to get in trouble! I don't want to be on restriction! If YOU want to get in trouble, YOU climb the fence and go into the woods to get the ball!” Tyler shot back.

With the taunting of the other boys ringing in his ears and dragging his bat behind him, Tyler slowly walked away. He knew he was doing the right thing, and although it was difficult at the moment, he knew he could hold his head high later when retelling the story of his big home run.

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I will be going away and you will be in charge while I am gone Potiphar told Joseph Joseph was living a happy and prosperous life, even though he was far away from his home and was a slave in Egypt. Joseph had proven himself to be a brilliant and responsible young man, so much so that his master, Potiphar, chose him to be in charge of all his household, land, and everything he owned. Potiphar didn't even know what all he owned, because he trusted Joseph to keep a record and take care of it all.

“Joseph, I will be going away, and you will be in charge while I'm gone,” Potiphar announced one morning. Joseph wasn't worried one little bit, because he knew he could do a good job for his master. With a friendly hug and farewell, Potiphar climbed into his chariot and was soon down the road and out of sight.

Mrs Potiphar liked Joseph very much and was glad she finally had
a chance to be alone with him All was going well until one day Joseph had some work to do in the house for Potiphar's wife. Mrs. Potiphar liked Joseph very much and was glad she finally had a chance to be alone with him. The problem was that Mrs. Potiphar was not a godly woman and wanted Joseph to do things that he knew were sinful.

“Please, Joseph?” she begged. “It'll be all right. I promise. Potiphar is gone and he'll never know.”

another word he ran out the door That put Joseph in quite a predicament. He wanted to please Mrs. Potiphar because she was his master's wife, but he also knew he had to be honorable in the sight of God. Joseph tried to reason with Mrs. Potiphar and told her he just couldn't do what she was asking.

Finally, he had all he could take of her whining and begging. Without another word he ran out the door. Mrs. Potiphar ran after him, trying to stop him. She grabbed his shoulder, but he kept running, and the coat he was wearing slipped off into her hand. Mrs. Potiphar became very angry with Joseph and devised an evil plan to get even.

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It wasn't long until the sound of galloping horses and screeching chariot wheels could be heard in the distance. Joseph cleaned himself up and prepared to meet his master.

“Well, well Joseph! It is good to see you again!” Potiphar exclaimed. “Did all go well during my absence?”

Upon entering the house Potiphar heard a completely different story from his wife “YES, SIR! All that you asked me to do, I have done.” Joseph was happy to report.

“I'm glad to hear that,” Potiphar replied. “I knew I could trust you.”

Upon entering the house, Potiphar heard a completely different story from his wife. “Why did you even bring that Joseph here?” she cried. “He has been nothing but trouble the whole time you were gone,” she lied. “He even refused to help and do things I asked him to do!” she whined. “He is trying to take advantage of all the good things we have, but he wouldn't even perform a simple task that I wanted him to do!” she loudly complained.

Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison Potiphar wasn't quite sure what to make out of it all. Joseph had always been obedient and trustworthy, and he really didn't believe such a change could happen so quickly. However, Mrs. Potiphar was his wife, and Joseph was only a slave. He couldn't believe both stories, so in order to make his wife happy and bring peace to the household, Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison.

Joseph worshipped God and knew that God would take care of him even in prison Even though he was accused unjustly and everything Mrs. Potiphar said about him was just lies, Joseph didn't complain. He worshipped God and knew that God would take care of him, even in prison . . . and GOD DID!

The keeper of the prison liked Joseph very much and put him in charge of all the prisoners. Just like in Potiphar's house, God made Joseph prosperous, and the jail keeper was also prosperous because God blessed Joseph.

Continued in Part 3

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1. Have you ever been tempted to do wrong?
2. Were you able to resist the temptation?
3. Why was Joseph put in jail?
4. Were the accusations against him true or false?
5. Did Joseph turn away from God because things were not going right?


God ALWAYS knows and cares about what is happening to you. Even when bad things happen, God can make something good out of the situation.


“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God...” (Romans 8:28a).


Do you have a friend or sibling who always wants you to do or dares you to do things that you know are wrong?
Have you given in to temptation and done what they asked? If that ever happens to you, all you need to do is
stop and ask God to forgive you.

Have you ever been blamed and punished for something that you didn’t do? That’s exactly what happened to Joseph
but he decided in his heart to accept God’s courage to not let it stop him from continuing to serve God.
What will you do next time when you are tempted to do wrong? What did Joseph do?

[After discussion:] Yes, Joseph did the right thing by running away from temptation. God wants us to flee from
temptation like Joseph did. The Bible tells us in James 4:7 to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he
will flee from us. God wants us to become strong and courageous and to always do the right thing, no matter what
the consequences are because, as his Word says, He will work everything out for our good if we choose to love
Him and not turn our back on Him.

Let us take a moment to ask for God’s forgiveness, help and courage.


Dog and boy praying

Dear God, thank You for being with us in every
situation. Help us to remember that You love us
and You know exactly what is happening all the time.
Give us the courage to do the right thing even
when it is difficult and others are against us.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Genesis 39:1-23

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Joseph Is Tempted (online)
Joseph In Prison (online)

Action Bible Coloring Book
Coloring Through the Bible (online)
Beginner's Bible Super-Duper Mighty Jumbo Coloring Book
Bible Stories Kids Love Coloring Book (ages 2 to 4)
Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages for Elementary Kids
God Cares for Me Coloring Book by Shirley Dobson

God Loves You Coloring Book:
A Read-aloud Coloring Book About God's Plan for Salvation

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The Awesome Coloring Book of Bible Comics
The Super-Sized Book of Bible Coloring & Art
The Super-Sized Book of Bible Verse Coloring Pages
Children's Bible Coloring Books

child reading a book

Adventure Bible: Joseph The Dreamer (I Can Read)
Beginner's Bible: Joseph & His Brothers (I Can Read)
Joseph (read online)
Joseph, Jacob's Favorite Son (Arch Books)
Joseph—God's Superhero (Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies for Kids)
Joseph the Dreamer (read online)
Kingstone Comics: Joseph
The Birth of a Nation: Abraham to Joseph (listen and read online)

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CDs and Videos

Bugtime Adventures: Blessing in Disguise - The Joseph Story (watch online)
Greatest Heroes of the Bible: Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors (online)
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler (watch online)
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler DVD
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler (watch online)
Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors DVD (Greatest Heroes & Legends)
Sight & Sound Theatres: Joseph
The Beginner's Bible, Volume 4 (watch online)
The Story of Jacob and Joseph
VeggieTales: Joseph and his Coat of Veggie Colors (watch online)
What to Do When You're Tempted (watch online)

All the Shows, Volume 1: 1993-1999
Do You Wonder Why? (online)
God's Story from Creation to Eternity (online)
Read and Share Toddler Bible with DVD
The Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum Kit
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God Was With Joseph in Egypt Bible Craft (online)
Joseph in Jail (online)
Joseph in Prison - Making the Most of your situation! Virtual Sunday School (watch online)

Bible Crafts
Bible Craft Videos (online)
Crafting the Word of God (online)

Easy-to-Make Bible Crafts PDF for Kids
& Digital Album Download [PDF Download]

Encyclopedia Of Bible Crafts For Preschoolers
Hot Crafts for Cool Kids pdf download
Maker-ific WOWS! (ages 8-12): 54 Surprising Bible Crafts
Puppet Crafts For Kids (online)

The Big Picture Bible Crafts:
101 Simple and Amazing Crafts to Help Teach Children the Bible

  1. Tie-dye a T-shirt. This way each child can personally design their own shirt, and each time they wear it, they will be reminded that God is with them always, they are special to him, and that His love “covers” them through all situations and circumstances. (I work with a lot of children from dysfunctional families who go through horror stories on a regular basis. They need to know God is with them at all times.) Basically, all you need to do is have several different bowls of clothing dye, a T-shirt for each child, and rubber bands. Tightly wrap rubber bands intermittently around different parts of the white T-shirt. Dip only portions of the shirt into different colors. Let dry, remove bands, and praise the Lord you have a “shirt” of many colors.
  2. Should it be a smaller church or a lot of children, to defray the expense, you could purchase white handkerchiefs at a dollar store and do the same thing. This would give each child something to place under his pillow or carry with him as a reminder.
  3. With your picture of Joseph to color, you could have prepared strips of tissue paper to be glued on the picture or you could use construction paper as well. I have found tissue paper is sometimes easier to use, because it is not as stiff and “turns corners” better.

- Submitted by Karin Adams


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Worksheet (online)

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Last updated April 9, 2024
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