A Special Dinner Guest
The Story of Mary & Martha
by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards
Text Version | Afrikaans | Italian
Terry and Jerry waited impatiently at the window with their noses pressed against the windowpane. At any moment their cousins should be arriving.
They had carefully cleaned their rooms making sure to get all the dust out of the corners. The bed was made with freshly laundered sheets. They had even picked a bouquet of flowers from the garden to put in a vase on the nightstand. Everything was ready for their special guests.
They heard the car pull into the driveway and rushed outside to meet their cousins, who were scrambling to get out the back door. With smiles and giggles, they willingly helped carry the suitcases inside and showed their cousins where they were to stay. What FUN they were going to have this week!
Jesus spent a great deal of time, walking from town to town, teaching people about the love of God and how they should treat one another. Some people didn't like what Jesus had to say, so they rejected Him and his teachings. Other people loved Jesus very much and followed Him from place to place, listening attentively to EVERY word.
When Martha heard that Jesus was going to be walking through the town of Bethany, she was FILLED with excitement! She loved Jesus SO very much and hoped that she would be able to spend some time with Him. She put on her best clothes and ran out of the house and down the street to meet Jesus.
“Please, PLEASE, come to our house!” she pleaded. “I know you must be tired and hungry after such a long day. I would LOVE to prepare a nice dinner for You. Won't You PLEASE come?”
Martha's persistence paid off. Jesus agreed to go to Martha's house for dinner. Martha was BESIDE herself with joy. She turned and ran back to the house to prepare for her Special Guest.
“Mary, MARY!” she cried out. “Guess who is coming to our house today!”
When Mary, who was Martha's sister, discovered that JESUS was on His way, she was JUST as excited as Martha. Quickly they began to tidy up the house and make it presentable for their Special Guest.
Martha began to get a little anxious. “There is just SO much to DO. How will we EVER manage to get everything DONE before Jesus arrives?” she thought to herself. She busied herself with all the little things that needed to be done, like dusting and straightening up the room. Then she went into the kitchen to begin preparing a special meal.
“Let's see . . . flour . . . sugar . . . figs are in season . . .,” she was thinking out loud. “I can make a delicious fig pie for dessert.”
While working busily in the kitchen, she heard voices just outside. “It's JESUS!” she said excitedly. “I MUST go welcome Him.”
She took a short break from her kitchen duties to say hello and welcome Jesus into their house. Then she went back to finish cooking the meal.
The table was set with the best linens. All the food was perfectly arranged on the plates. Martha was SO busy working, she didn't have time to visit with Jesus. She realized that she was doing ALL the work and her sister Mary was in the other room listening to Jesus and not doing ANYTHING to help.
As Martha continued to fuss with preparing a perfect meal, she was becoming more and MORE angry with Mary. “It's just not FAIR that she is in there having a good time talking to Jesus, and I am in HERE, working myself into a frenzy,” she thought. “I've had ENOUGH! I'm going to go in there and DO something about this!”
She put a fake smile on her face and went into the other room. “Jesus, could you please ask Mary to come into the kitchen? I could surely use some help in here,” she said as pleasantly as she could.
Jesus turned to her with a grim look and lovingly spoke her name. “Martha, Martha. You are so busy trying to make everything just right. You are going to TOO much trouble. You are WORRYING too much.
“Look at Mary sitting here calmly enjoying my company. She has chosen the better thing, and I will not make her leave Me.”
Martha quietly went back to the kitchen, finishing her tasks as quickly as possible so that dinner could be served and she too could enjoy time with her friend Jesus.
REMEMBER: Take time every day to love Jesus and listen to his words.
1. In what town did Mary and Martha live?
2. Who was the special guest?
3. Who chose the better thing, Mary or Martha?
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a).
Do you have friends you like to visit often? Why do you like to visit them? What would you think if you visited a friend who just kept themselves busy in another room while you were waiting to play with them? Do you think that would be rude? How would it make you feel?
What would you do if Jesus came to visit you? Would you fail to talk to Him and go, do other things as Martha did, or would you sit at his feet like Mary and listen to what He had to say?
[After discussion:] Jesus said He's standing at the door of your heart, knocking. If you'd open the door, He'd come in and sup with you. He doesn't ask you to prepare food for Him. He wants you to sup on Him. Remember, He's the Bread of heaven and the Word of God. What He means is that He wants you to read his Word every day and talk to Him about it. He also wants you to talk to Him about what's on your mind and in your heart, and what's going on in your life. He wants you to have faith that He hears you and will satisfy your needs as He sees fit. Would you like to invite Him into your heart now and have a talk with Him?
Dear Jesus, I love You so much. Help me to remember
to take time each day to tell You that I love You
and to listen to the words You gave me in the Bible.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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