Self-Control - Temperance
Don't Cave in to Temptation
by Sophia Prinsloo
Text Version | Afrikaans | Italian
“Lisa, didn't I tell you that you may only eat sweets after lunch?”
“Jacques, stop pestering the dog!”
“Annie, put your phone away and do your homework!”
“Martin! John! Stop bickering this instant!”
Does that sound familiar to you? Let us hear what the Bible says about self-control:
During the time when David was fleeing from Saul, who wanted to kill him, many men joined David. He became their leader and they listened to him, because the Lord was with him.
They could not stay in one place for too long, because there was always someone snitching on them to Saul. That is why they constantly moved around. Once, when Saul had to go fight the Philistines, David and the men went to stay at Engedi. It was in the mountainous part of the arid desert. David and his men got their water from a fountain in the valley where the deer always came for a drink. There was also a cave where they could shelter from the wind, which sometimes blew so hard their eyes and clothes became full of dust and sand.
One day they were hiding in the cave again to rest for a while. David was playing his lyre, singing, “As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee….” Suddenly, the guards at the entrance of the cave came running inside. “Quick, hide! King Saul is on his way.”
“Just King Saul alone?” asked David as he quickly put away his lyre.
“Yes, but there are about three thousand soldiers down by the fountain,” the guards replied.
They were just in time to hide behind the rocks when Saul entered the cave. “Is there somebody inside here?” Saul yelled.
Everybody was quite still. Nobody moved. From the dark shadows in the cave, David and the men carefully watched every move Saul made. They were not planning to get caught in the cave and were ready to leave quickly if Saul's soldiers came closer.
Completely unaware of the danger hiding in the cave, Saul took off his helmet and breastplate and put them on a nearby rock. Then he dusted his clothes, took a sip of water from his waterbag and squatted.
“Psst! David!” Abishai whispered. “Today is the day in which the Lord has delivered Saul into your hands. Now is your chance to kill Saul and then you will become the king of Israel.”
Quietly David got up with a firm grip on his razor-edged sword. He stalked Saul noiselessly across the sand in the cave while the wind rustled softly through the entrance. Saul, with his back towards David, suspected nothing.
When David reached Saul to kill him, lifting up his sword, his conscience started bothering him: “David, do you want to murder the anointed of the Lord out of vengeance and then become king yourself? Do you want to kill the father of your best friend, Jonathan, whom you love so much? How will you ever be able to explain that to God or Jonathan? The Word of God says you may not commit murder, but vengeance is His.”
Immediately David changed his mind and only cut off the skirt of Saul's robe, grabbed it and quickly vanished into the shadows of the cave again where his men were hiding. He told them, “My conscience is bothering me seriously now. May the Lord keep me from ever killing the king, because the Lord has appointed him and he is God's anointed.”
“Oh no, David! If you don't want to do it, we will!” said Joab and a whole lot of other men. “He has tried to kill you how many times? He gave your wife to someone else and he has been hunting us down like wild animals for months now!”
“No, definitely not!” David forbade them earnestly. “King Saul did me wrong and I am not happy about that, but he still is the anointed of the Lord! That is why you may not come against him either. We must be patient and have temperance; the Lord says the vengeance is His and He Himself will repay him for his deeds. God will fight for us and, according to His promise, I shall become king at the appointed time! The Lord's way is always best.”
Saul got up, put on his breastplate and his helmet and made his way out of the cave. Suddenly, David jumped up and ran after Saul, calling, “My lord, the king!”
Alarmed, Saul stopped dead in his tracks. When he turned around, David bowed down with his face to the earth, fell down upon his knees and said, “Why do you listen to the people who say I want to kill you? You yourself saw that today God delivered you into my hands. All my men told me to kill you, but I spared your life, because you are the anointed of the Lord.”
David held up the piece of cloth. “Look! Here in my hand is a piece of your robe. When I cut it off, I did not kill you. Isn't that enough proof that I do not want to harm you in any way? The Lord may kill you because of what you have done to me, but I shall never kill you. The Lord will decide who is right, me or you, and He will punish the one who is in the wrong!”
Saul replied, “Is that really you, my son David?” Then he started to cry, “You are a better man than I, because you have done good to me when I wanted to do evil to you. May the Lord reward you because you have spared my life.”
Between the tears, Saul sobbed, “Now I know that you will become king after me. Promise me that, when you are king, you will spare my family and descendants.”
After David solemnly promised him, Saul went home. David kept his promise, but Saul's remorse over trying to kill David did not last long. Shortly afterwards, he was out to try and kill David again.
Stop and think when you are tempted to do wrong. It is not always easy, but in the long run, the Lord's way is always best.
1. What did God promise to David?
2. Did David have to wait before he could become king?
3. What helped David not to kill King Saul?
4. What helped David to use temperance?
5. Was Saul a good king?
6. Did David became a good king?
7. Like whom would you like to be, Saul or David?
Children who have learned self-control from an early age usually become successful adults.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind”
(2 Timothy 1:7).
“He that is slow to anger is better than the
mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that
taketh a city” (Proverbs 16:32).
“Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded”
(Titus 2:7).
“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye
therefore sober, and watch unto prayer”
(1 Peter 4:7).
“For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and
for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut
thee not off” (Isaiah 48:9)
What would you do if you were playing with your friends and one of them made you angry, slapping your face, biting or kicking you? Would you slap, bite or a kick them back? Is that the way you should behave? What would Jesus have you do?
I want you to think of some things you like to do that aren’t always good for you. For example, you may like filling yourself up with snacks and sweets instead of eating your meal at the table, or sitting around all day watching movies, playing video games or playing with your phone instead of going outdoors to get sunshine and exercise. What would help you do the right thing? Would thinking about what Jesus would do help you decide?
Now think of things you know you should do but don’t always feel like doing, things like homework, making your bed or brushing your teeth. Why is it good to do those things?
How about reading your Bible and praying? Do you think it takes self-control to pray and read the Bible every day? Can you think of a time Jesus used self-control when He was here on Earth?
[After discussion:] In today’s story, David had a choice to either give in to temptation and kill Saul or do what God commanded and let him live. He showed great self-control and God rewarded him by making him King over Israel after Saul died.
When you’re tempted to lose self-control, there are many things you can do. Next time that happens, try walking away or think of a Bible verse before you do anything and, if you don’t know a Bible verse, count to ten. Most importantly, silently call on Jesus for help and trust Him to help you do the right thing.
It’s always harder to win back a friend than stupidly do something to lose one. Have you become so angry you lost your temper with someone? Do you need to ask someone to forgive you? Do it today so God can bring healing in both your lives. God shows lots of self-control toward us and we should do the same toward others.
Heavenly Father, help us to use self-control
and to always think about the consequences
of what we do. Teach us to wait patiently
to receive rewards. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
1 Samuel 24:1-23
Galatians 5:19-26STORIES IN THIS SERIES:
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Last updated February 27, 2023
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