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Tsepo and Vusi ran in the rain, hopping and skipping with happiness and joy. Big raindrops fell hard on their bodies, but they did not mind getting wet. Before this rain, the drought had been going on for SO LONG in their part of Africa that their cattle and sheep became skinny and wasted, because there was barely any food left for them to eat. If the rain stayed away any longer, the people wouldn't have anything to eat either.
For days and months their whole community prayed to God and eventually He answered their prayers and the long awaited rain came. Soon the fields would be green again; crops would grow and give life to every living thing.
“Dad! Mom! Come, look at the rain! Look at the clouds! God is stretching out his hand to bless and save us! We are so glad that it feels like we are walking on air!” Tsepo and Vusi ran into the house without drying their feet first. Usually their mom would be angry with them about wet footprints, but not this time. Wet feet were proof that their prayers and their faith in Jesus had carried them through the worst drought in a very long time.
Late in the afternoon, after the people had enjoyed the bread and fish which Jesus had miraculously multiplied from only five loaves of bread and two fish, the people were reluctant to go home. Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “Get into the boat and cross over to Gennesaret while I send the people back to their homes.” Jesus turned to the crowd, lifted up his hands and said with a loud voice, “Go to your homes in my peace!” The people saw the disciples departing in the boat, while Jesus went his own way and disappeared from their sight. So, with their spirits full of the words of Jesus and their tummies full of bread and fish, they decided to leave too.
Jesus climbed the nearest mountain to pray and to talk alone with his heavenly Father and receive spiritual strength from Him. There on the mountain, the Father showed Him everything He had to do — miracles and healings, New Covenant teachings, reprimanding the Pharisees and casting out of demons.
In the meantime, the disciples had already reached the middle of the sea. They were struggling to row because the wind was against them and the waves were getting bigger and rougher. Time wasn't standing still and they knew the sun would rise within the next hour or two. Peter yelled above the pounding of the waves and the wind, “ROW MEN, ROW! Otherwise we'll NEVER reach the other side!”
James answered him, “Our arms are numb from rowing the whole night long and it feels as if they want to fall off. How are we ever going to reach the shore?”
Peter wanted to reply, but suddenly his oar fell from his hand, his eyes widened, his mouth opened from shock and he could barely utter a word. Some of the other disciples saw Peter's face and wondered what was wrong with him. Was there a big wave heading towards them? NO!
When Judas saw what Peter was looking at, he anxiously yelled out loud, “It's a GHOST! Look how it hovers on the water! His feet are not even getting wet!”
Suddenly all the disciples’ legs felt just as numb as their arms and everybody cried out loud, “HELP! HELP!” but they had nowhere to run or to hide.
Immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Be of good cheer. It is I. Do not be afraid!”
Never in their lives had the disciples seen a man walking on water before and, without thinking, Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, if it is really You, command me to come to You on the water!”
Jesus replied, “Come!”
With his eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, Peter felt his way to the edge of the boat and, step by step, he climbed out without looking away from Jesus. He took a few steps and, amazingly, he did not sink. WOW! He had great faith.
Suddenly he heard the wind blowing and the spray from the waves splashed onto his face. He began to think, “Oh, no! Look how big the waves are, AND I am walking on water, AND it is very deep beneath me, AND I'll not be able to stand on the bottom when I sink. There is not even a rock nearby for me to try to stand on. I can swim very well, but nobody can stay afloat in these big waves. They will crush me.”
When he began thinking about sinking, Peter became very fearful, his faith vanished, and then he really started to sink. “LORD, SAVE ME!” he yelled anxiously.
Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand, grabbed him firmly by the arm and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Without waiting for an answer, Jesus helped Peter into the boat, and suddenly the wind stopped and they arrived at shore.
In amazement, the disciples fell prostrate before Jesus and thought about the words from the book of Job, chapter 9, verse 8, where it says that it is God alone Who “treads on the waves of the sea!” Now they were fully convinced Who Jesus really was and said, “Truly, You are the Son of God!”
Peter was drenched and while he lay prostrate, worshipping Jesus, he looked at Jesus’ wet feet, realizing that Jesus, the Son of God, became just as human as Peter himself, and now He even wet his feet just to come and save him.
1. Where did Jesus go after He sent away the disciples and other people?
2. What did He do there?
3. What did Peter pray when he sank?
4. Do you think Peter believed Jesus could save him?
5. Do you think Jesus can help you when you need Him?
6. What two things must you do for Jesus to help you?
REMEMBER: When I call upon Jesus to help me, I must have faith that He will.
“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting…” (James 1:6).
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
In this story, you see Jesus’ disciples crying out with fear. What do you do when you are scared? Do you yell, hide away or seek comfort from your parents? What kind of things scare you? How about spiders, bugs, the dark, water or dogs? Or has someone ever tried to scare you with ghost or monster stories?
[After discussion:] What did Peter do when he was afraid? What would Jesus like you to do when you are afraid? Just like Peter, Jesus wants you to cry out to Him in faith whenever you are afraid. The very storm that was bringing them fear was bringing them Jesus. Even when you feel like your faith is weak when life is stormy, you should still cry out to Jesus and call upon his Name.
There is power in the Name of Jesus. Calling on his name can chase away your fear. God’s Word teaches us that Jesus can do far over and above whatever we ask or think. Stop right now and take time to pour out your heart to God in faith, telling him all your fears. Ask Him to give you the faith you need to overcome fear.
“Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always there
to save me when I call upon You in my day of trouble.
Help me not to doubt, but to stay strong in my faith,
no matter how long it takes for You to answer my prayers.
In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”
Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-21
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