Abram Leaves Home!
(This Bible story lesson
was lovingly prepared for you
by a team of six Internet volunteers.)
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Paul put his building blocks into the box and sighed. It had been a long day, filled with boxes and tape. Most of his room was already on the moving truck. All that was left was a sleeping bag and a small suitcase that held enough clothes for the move. Looking around his room brought back memories of all the years his things filled this room.
“Moving all this stuff is NOT fun,” he muttered as he pushed the box down the hall.
It was moving day, the day when all of Paul's family was busy packing. They were going to a new town, far away from all their friends and church. Paul's dad had a new job waiting for him, and they already had a new house, but it was going to be a while before it would seem like home. The job was at a church, and Paul's parents were sure this was what God wanted for their lives.
A very long time ago, God decided to have a very special talk with Abram, one of His chosen people. All heaven stood still and listened as God spoke these words to Abram:
“I want you to leave your country, your family,
and your father's house, and I want you to go
into a land that I will show you.”Now they didn't have big moving trucks back in those days. Besides, God didn't even mention the NAME of the place! This would be a big step of FAITH for Abram and his wife Sarai. God wanted them to leave EVERYTHING, and EVERYBODY that they knew, and start over in a NEW land.
This was no small thing, for, you see, Abram was now 75 years old. He didn't even KNOW where he was going, because the Lord didn't TELL him. God said He would show him where he wanted him to go, but only AFTER he obeyed.
Once more, God spoke to Abram. This time He told him:
“I will make you a GREAT NATION.
I will BLESS you.
I will make your NAME GREAT!
You will be a BLESSING to others as well.”What promises! But where was the great nation going to come from? It takes PEOPLE to have a nation, and it was just Abram and Sarai his wife. Abram and Sarai had no children, and time was running out — at least it SEEMED like it was.
Abram must have thought to himself, “Why has God chosen ME from among all these people around me? WOW! What an honor!” But wait! There is more!
“I will BLESS those who BLESS you.
I will CURSE him who CURSES you.
All the FAMILIES of the earth will be blessed.”The Bible doesn't say that Abram had any problems doing what God asked. He just listened…and then he OBEYED!
Abram and Sarai began to make preparations for their journey. Lot, Abram's nephew, would be traveling with them. Their servants would be going along as well. They had to decide what to take and what to leave behind. As Sarai was busily packing the household items, Abram and Lot were gathering the herd of cattle and flock of sheep from the fields.
Since there were no vehicles at the time, Abram chose his strongest camel to carry their belongings. He packed very carefully, making sure the tent was right on top because they would need that to sleep in at night. They took one more look around to make sure they hadn't left anything important. Then it was time for them to begin their great adventure.
They walked…
and walked…
…always following the direction of the Lord. During the daytime, they would travel, and at night they would set up their tent and sleep.
Abram and those with him came to the land called “Shechem.” It was here that the Lord spoke to Abram again, saying, “Unto your future generations will I give this land.” Abram built an altar to worship the Lord in that very place.
After worshiping the Lord, Abram and his group continued on their journey. They were walking up a mountain between the towns of Bethel and Ai, when Abram decided to set up the tent and rest. He built another altar and prayed to the Lord. Then he continued to travel south with his family.
A great famine came upon the land where Abram and his family were staying, so they had to move to the land of Egypt in order to have enough food for everyone to stay alive. They had to pack up all their belongings, gather the herd of cattle and the flock of sheep, load up the camel…
and walk…
and walk…
and WALK.
FINALLY they arrived in the land of Egypt…but all did not go well. This is where Abram got into BIG trouble! You see, Sarai was a VERY beautiful woman. Abram was afraid that the men of Egypt would KILL him so one of them could have Sarai to be his own wife. He told Sarai, “If anyone asks you if you are my wife, tell them no, you are my sister.” Of course, this was a LIE, but Sarai obeyed her husband.
Sure enough, the men of Egypt saw that Sarai was indeed a BEAUTIFUL woman. The princes of Pharaoh saw Sarai and brought her before Pharaoh, and he took her into his household. He then gave Abram many sheep, oxen, donkeys, men-servants, maidservants, and camels for letting him have Sarai. Abram was given cattle, silver, and gold, and this made him a VERY rich man.
Now, the Lord did not like what Abram and Sarai had done, so He put a plague on Pharaoh and his household.
“WHAT IS THIS THAT YOU HAVE DONE UNTO ME?” Pharaoh shouted at Abram.“Why did you not tell me that this woman was your WIFE? Why did you tell me she was your sister? I might have taken her to be my wife.”
Pharaoh told his men to show Abram and Sarai out. Abram, Sarai, Lot, and all the people traveling with them had to pack up all their belongings, gather the herds of cattle and the flocks of sheep, load up the camel, and leave Egypt.
1. When Abram left home, did he know where he was going?
2. Name one way God said He would bless Abram.
3. How old was Abram when he left his father's home?
4. Why did Abram go to Egypt?
5. What lie did Abram tell Pharaoh?
6. Why did Abram lie?
7. What happened because of Abram's lie?
God will guide us in the way we should go.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Did you ever find yourself not knowing what to expect when you moved to a new place? Can you think of another time you were caught not knowing what to expect, such as the first day in a new school? How could you be like Abraham when you're not sure what to do next?
[After discussion:] Abraham trusted God. He believed what God promised him and God kept his word. In Hebrews 13:5, God promises He will never leave you and never let you down. Pray now and ask God to help you trust Him to do what He asks you to do next.
Loving God, You are so good to us. We thank You for
always being there for us and for always keeping
your promises to us. Help us to keep the promises
that we make to You and to others.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Genesis 11:26; 12:1-20
Copyright © 2023 by Barbara Wilmerton Haas
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North Central Ohio, U.S.A.Pictures Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and René Pitzner at Free Bible Images
Last updated January 8, 2023
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