Isaac Needs A Wife
Song and Play Activity
(Sing and Play as in “The Farmer in the Dell”)
Oh, Abraham was old
Oh, Abraham was old
Hi, ho, the derry-O
Oh, Abraham was old
He called for his servant
He called for his servant
Hi, ho, the derry-O
He called for his servant
Oh, Isaac needs a wife
Oh, Isaac needs a wife
Hi, ho, the derry-O
Oh, Isaac needs a wife
The camels go clomp, clomp
The camels go clomp, clomp
Hi, ho, the derry-O
The camels go clomp, clomp
Rebekah comes along
Rebekah comes along
Hi, ho, the derry-O
Rebekah comes along
They all are very glad
They all are very glad
Hi, ho, the derry-O
They all are very glad
Take me to the Bible story:
Eliezer, Abraham's Faithful Servant or
Rebekah Trusts the Lord
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Northeast Ohio U.S.A.
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Last updated March 20, 2023
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